A CALL TO THOSE WHO ARE STILL DOING OK Hello, everyone! Hope everyone's doing fine! If you're expecting a recipe today, sorry to diasppoint. My guess is that most of us here are still doing ok. However, there are people out there in desperate need of daily necessities. Things are getting so bad that there are some who would contemplate on, or have already, taken their lives. Since there are many of us in need in these trying times, how about doing this? It's not easy to ask for help..... Some may be embrassed to do so..... These days most of us have resident's chat groups Facebook pages or some form of resident's commette. Take the first step to offer help on that platform. Ask those in need to pm u and see what u can do for them. This takes away the public embrassment of having a white flag hung outside their houses..... If each of us practice this concept and share it with your friends, soon the whole of Malaysia will be covered..... We don't need politician...