I love tempra! U can use fish, pork or chicken. The Penang kias also use the tempra gravy with eggs and call it telur belanda! Fish tempra was something we used to have at home when my mom was cooking. Since I have one last piece of boneless chicken chop in the freezer, chicken tempra it is! 


1 boneless chicken chop, cut to bite sized pieces 

1 big onion, sliced 

2 tablespoons light soy sauce 

Half tablespoon lime juice 

2 tablespoons sugar 

1 tablespoon minced garlic 

Some chilli, finely sliced 

Half cup of water

Some oil


In a pan, sauteed the onions till it's soft 

Add the garlic in and sauteed until aromatic 

Pour in the water, light soy sauce, lime juice and sugar and bring it to a boil. Now for a taste test. It's supposed to be salty, sour and sweet. Add whatever's short till the taste is right, turn off the flame and use it to marinade the chicken 

When it's time to cook, put it on a pan, marinade and all, cook till the chicken is done, taste, and if all is good, garnish it with chilli and it's ready to serve 

The traditional way does not call for the chicken to be marinaded. But I prefer to marinade the meat. It simply tastes much better. You can make this in bulk, portion it and put it in the freezer. Cooking it won't take 5mins! Really convenient too! Just put it in the fridge in the morning and cook it for dinner.

Well, that's dinner for me! Try it, it's good!

Enjoy everyone, and stay safe!


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